Enterprise Holdings ROAD Forward Grants Help More Than 400 Communities


Image: Family renting an Enterprise car for vacation. (photo via Enterprise Holdings) (Photo Credit: Enterprise)

The Enterprise Holdings ROAD Forward initiative is awarding grants for the third consecutive year to more than 600 local nonprofit organizations—part of Enterprise’s five-year, $55 million ROAD Forward commitment. This year’s round of grants to local nonprofits, totaling more than $7 million, will be distributed across the organization’s 70-plus operating groups in the United States, Canada and Europe.

To date, more than 980 nonprofits have received $33 million in grants from ROAD Forward, with more than 70% of this year’s recipients receiving a grant for the third year in a row.

“After three years, this program is providing real and tangible benefits to help address social and racial equity in the communities where we operate,” said Enterprise Holdings Foundation President Carolyn Kindle. “From supporting social and mental health within at-risk communities, to promoting equity and opportunity for minority business owners, to empowering students from low-income backgrounds to pursue higher education, we’re proud to champion hundreds of exceptional organizations as they continue to grow their positive impact.”

Through the program, Enterprise’s employees are empowered to help identify local organizations working to address social and racial equity gaps in their communities and nominate them for a grant.

Notable 2023 grant recipients include:

—In North America: Three-time grant recipients, including 100 Black Men DC, which supports childhood success through mentorship; the Bottom Line, which partners with first-generation students from low-income backgrounds to pursue higher education; as well as first-time grant recipient RISE 5280, an organization dedicated to closing educational achievement gaps and promoting fiscal and social mobility.

—In Europe: The Girls’ Network in the United Kingdom, which has received significant funds through ROAD Forward grants (totaling more than $300,000) over the past three years to empower girls from low-income backgrounds through mentorship; and first-time recipient Children for a better World e.V., a German organization that aims to improve living conditions of children in need and encourage youth involvement in societal causes.

“Since its inception, this program has been addressing systemic, long-standing social and racial equity gaps in our communities in a variety of critical ways,” said Enterprise Holdings Chief Diversity Officer Errin Braddock. “It’s been inspiring to witness the ROAD Forward initiative’s broad reach across seven countries and over 400 communities.”

Enterprise Holdings ROAD Forward

Today’s announcement advances Enterprise Holdings’ ROAD Forward initiative, a five-year, $55 million commitment to help address social and racial equity gaps in the communities where we operate. Of this, $35 million is allocated to local communities across 70-plus global operating teams over five years, and $20 million supports four nationally renowned nonprofit organizations in the U.S.—My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, a program of the Obama Foundation, UNCF, Girls Inc. and Parents as Teachers.

The ROAD Forward commitment focuses on the four pillars of Respect, Opportunity, Achievement and Diversity (ROAD) for youth and families by helping to address social and racial equity gaps in three key areas: early childhood development, youth health and wellness, and career and college preparation.
