Enterprise ROAD Forward Program Reaches $14 Million in Local Grants


Enterprise ROAD Forward initiative

Enterprise Holdings and its foundation is awarding its second year of ROAD Forward grants, awarding $7 million to organizations across the country that work to advance social and racial equity.

The total number of grants awarded over the past two years totals $14 million, part of the five-year ROAD Forward commitment that will provide $55 million to organizations in need. Over the five years, $20 million of the allocated funds will go to four nonprofits: My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, UNCF, Girls Inc. and Parents as Teachers.

The $7 million in this year’s grants were awarded to local nonprofits that were recommended by Enterprise Holdings’ employees throughout North America and Europe; 70 percent of the awarded organizations had received grants in 2021 as well.

In the U.S., organizations awarded grants include One Hundred Black Men in New York, which seeks to help children through access to mentorship, and Southern California’s The Bridge Builders Foundation, which focuses on career and college preparation while advocating for an end to barriers of race, poverty and ignorance.

In Canada and Europe, La Maison D’Haiti, which is a Canadian organization that seeks to welcome, educate and improve the living conditions of Haitian immigrants was awarded a grant, as was Children’s Books Ireland, which advocates for childhood literacy.

“At Enterprise, we feel immense responsibility to contribute to the health of the communities where we live and work. Employees are invited to nominate organizations driving meaningful impact in their hometowns,” said Enterprise Holdings Foundation President Carolyn Kindle Betz. “In the program’s second year, ROAD Forward’s local grants will enable nearly 700 nonprofit organizations to drive progress in three key social equity areas: early childhood development, youth health and wellness, and career and college preparation.”

ROAD Forward operates by four pillars: respect, opportunity, achievement and diversity (ROAD). Early childhood development, youth health and wellness and career and college preparation are the main focuses of the program.
