Ethiopian Airlines to resume Tigray flights as peace holds in war-torn region


Ethiopian Airlines, Addis Ababa Bole International Airport in the

Tasew confirmed that the resumption will aid in the transportation and delivery of humanitarian aid to the region.

“There will be need of passengers and cargo services in connection with the humanitarian aid delivery. Various foreign organizations are expected to provide humanitarian aid,” Tasew said.

The CEO also identified two airports, Mekele and Shire, as being in a condition that can accommodate regular flights.

However, Tasew highlighted that a third airport, Axum Airport, suffered damage to its infrastructure that requires rehabilitation

“We will send our people to the area and repair the airport. Hence, we have been preparing to commence flight to the region. In addition to the three airports, we are also working to resume service to other airports like Lalibela,” Tasew added.
