Etihad Cargo enhances customer service capabilities


Etihad Cargo Cargo iQ

Etihad Cargo has launched a Microsoft Dynamics 365-based Pulse CRM, which the carrier says will enable it to meet customer demands more proactively.

Etihad Cargo’s Customer Contact Centre, which handles over 13,000 transactions per month, will benefit from the new system which will provide the cargo carrier’s customer service team with improved tools, including an updated case management system, and customer information, such as the customer’s history, purchase records, sales interactions and a 360-degree view of customer queries.

“Etihad Cargo continuously reviews processes, procedures and systems to ensure the delivery of the highest levels of customer service,” said Tim Isik, Vice President Commercial at Etihad Cargo.

“The transformation of Etihad Cargo’s Customer Contact Centre through the launch of this new system provides greater transparency and visibility, enabling customer service agents to track each transaction from initial contact through to resolution. This data will enable the Customer Contact Centre to identify processes where efficiencies could be achieved, which will ultimately provide Etihad Cargo’s customers with a streamlined and more efficient communication process.”

Using the new system’s real-time dashboards, Etihad Cargo’s Customer Contact Centre agents can access all data related to a specific customer or transaction. The Microsoft Dynamics 365-driven Pulse CRM also provides customers with the option to leave immediate feedback and access a Net Promoter Score questionnaire, enabling the carrier to measure customer satisfaction at every query level.

“Etihad Cargo’s primary objective is to be the air cargo partner of choice. The launch of a new system within the Customer Contact Centre is the latest step taken by Etihad Cargo to ensure customers can interact with customer service agents as easily as possible, making the booking process more convenient and intuitive than ever before,” Tim Isik noted.
