Europe’s Reopening: Here’s Where Travel Advisors Are Sending Clients


As European countries reopen their borders, travelers are eager to begin exploring the Continent again, travel advisors said.

“I spend half my time advising our guests that we feel that they are planning too much travel and we want them to tone down their spending a bit,” said Richard Turen, managing director of Churchill & Turen.

“We are seeing pent-up demand at a greater rate than I have seen it in more than 30 years.”

Currently, two of the most sought-after destinations are Italy and Greece.

“Italy and Greece are the biggest right now, with France following not far behind,” said Claire Schoeder of Elevations Travel, an affiliate of Signature Travel Network. “They were the first to announce U.S. travelers are welcome so clients wanting to head out have been going there.”

Turen is also witnessing interest in trips to Spain. “Barcelona is on everyone’s list, of course, but we’re seeing interest in Madrid and San Sebastien,” he said.

“We have several clients going to Greece, Iceland and Croatia, and have booked many last-minute trips to Spain, Italy and France,” said Laura Madrid of Resort to Laura Madrid, a Travel Experts affiliate.

Travel advisors said ocean and river cruises are also picking up steam.

“All of my Europe 2021 travel vacations have all come from river and ocean cruises,” said Holly Lombardo of Holly Lombardo Travel Co., a Travel Experts affiliate.

Meanwhile, the booking picture for 2022 is looking strong.

“River and ocean cruising are being requested for 2022 and of course, those that could not travel this year are doing so next year,” Madrid said. “Portugal is uber hot!”

Lombardo is booking a considerable number of tours with such companies as Tauck and Backroads – in addition to river and ocean cruises.

“The remaining [bookings] are customized independent trips,” she said. “Oddly, I have more sales coming from cruises and preset tours than I do from FITs, which is new for me.”

JoAnne Weeks of Acendas noted that along with river cruises, small group escorted tours are proving popular with her clients.

“Our clients are wanting that boutique, luxury feel in a smaller group setting, and they are willing to pay for it,” she said.

Agents are advising their clients to waste no time in booking 2022 vacations.

“There is a slow but growing realization that much that is desirable in 2022 European tour programs will be fully booked if they wait until January,” Turen said. “The better agents are concerned that many of their clients who wait to book until the fall will be disappointed by the lack of availability. Some analysts say that the number of European high-end vacationers traveling abroad during the summer of 2022 could triple versus the peak in 2019.”

Nonetheless, clients are not without concerns.

“My clients are predominantly asking about vaccination rates in Europe, if restaurants and tourist sites are open and if you have to wear a mask everywhere,” Schoeder said. “Clients want to know if indoor dining is allowed now and what social distancing is employed as many European restaurants tend to be smaller with tables closer together.”

For those traveling this year, changes in country policies due to COVID-19 are top of mind, Weeks said. “They are leery with making reservations only to be stricken again with cancellations, or the issue of mandated testing while aboard in order to get home.”

Some of Madrid’s clients are concerned that countries may not be ready to host them and “that the experience will not be as expected given they are just coming out of lock down,” she said.

“Others are just not willing to go back to 24-7 mask-wearing and the vigilant COVID protocols that have loosened up on here in the U.S. The nine-hour flight with a mask is also daunting to some. Others find the extra steps and protocols needed to travel are small sacrifices that enable them to travel safely and confidently.”

She added, “Everyone is really ready to go somewhere but not everyone is willing to head across the pond just yet.”

For Lombardo, a concern for some clients is the value they’ll receive for monies paid.

“My clients’ major concern is if their top-dollar vacation investment will deliver the goods,” Lombardo said. “If they make vacation plans to Europe, will they have a good experience? Will it meet their expectations? Will they be able to enjoy experiences as they hope?

“My advice to my valued clients as we look to resume travel is to plan ahead, be adaptable and patient. The sooner you adapt the sooner you can have a fulfilling travel experience.”
