Expert Says C919 Aircraft Highlights China’s Thriving Civil Aviation Market


According to an expert, the C919, China’s domestically developed large passenger aircraft, demonstrates the immense potential of China’s civil aviation market. Philippe Meyer, an aviation consultant based in Switzerland, praised the Chinese manufacturer for its success in passenger comfort and design capabilities.

The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd (COMAC) constructed the C919, which recently completed its inaugural commercial flight from Shanghai to Beijing under the operation of China Eastern Airlines. This marked its official entry into the civil aviation market.

Meyer emphasized the explosive demand for air travel in China, predicting that by 2035, a staggering one billion Chinese people will travel by air annually. Additionally, an IATA report anticipates global travel to reach 4.35 billion people in 2023, nearing pre-pandemic levels seen in 2019.

Moreover, COMAC’s forecast from last year predicts that by 2041, China will become the world’s largest single-country civil aviation market. This projection further highlights the rapid growth and potential of the Chinese aviation industry.
