Extreme E reaches new heights with British Airways


Magazine shows from electric SUV racing series, Extreme E, have been added to British Airways’ in-flight entertainment channel, High Life.

With unrivalled behind-the scenes access to the creation and progression of this ground-breaking motorsport series, the programmes, How to Build a Race Car, Electric Odyssey and Climate Changers, take viewers on a journey all the way from the championship’s inception through to the mind-blowing race action, the people and brains behind it, as well the stories of climate change, science, exploration and passion surrounding the series.

Ali Russell, Chief Marketing Officer at Extreme E, said: “We are delighted that British Airways has chosen Extreme E’s magazine shows for its prestigious High Life entertainment package. Our sport for purpose championship has so many fascinating stories to tell – everything from the creation of the incredible ODYSSEY 21 electric race car to life on our ocean centrepiece, the St. Helena. These programmes add so much additional depth to the championship and extend the conversation outside of the racing itself.

“Extreme E’s plethora of behind-the-scenes content which includes the fascinating people, the technology, the science and the legacy initiatives, all make for compelling viewing not only for lovers of motorsport but for anyone with a sense of adventure and care for the environment and I’m confident they will delight and entertain BA’s discerning traveller.”
