FAA Investigating Logan Airport Incident: United 737 Forced to Abandon Descent


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has launched an investigation following a tense incident at Boston’s Logan Airport, where a United Airlines pilot had to execute a mid-descent pull-up due to a 737-900 plane still occupying the runway. Authorities have labeled this maneuver as a “go-around.” This incident, which occurred on September 11 2023 at approximately 10:45 p.m., has raised concerns and shed light on the safety procedures in place to avoid runway accidents.

The FAA’s investigation is in response to an air traffic controller’s instruction to United Airlines Flight 2267 (ORD-BOS) to initiate a pull-up during its descent, prompted by the presence of a previous flight on the runway. A spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration confirmed the incident and emphasized that a go-around is considered a “safe, routine” procedure. It can be performed either at the discretion of a pilot or air traffic controller to prevent unsafe conditions.

While this incident might have appeared as an emergency maneuver to passengers, the FAA spokesperson clarified that it was a collaborative effort between the controller and pilot to avert any potential safety hazards. This incident highlights the critical role of coordination and communication between air traffic control and airline crews.

A passenger aboard the United flight shared their experience with Boston 25, describing the rapid pull-up and the intense roar of the engines. The sudden change in speed and trajectory was palpable, causing passengers to be pushed into their seats as they watched the ground vanish beneath them. The pilot later addressed the situation, explaining that the runway could not be cleared in time, necessitating the pull-up and a temporary circling in the sky before landing.

In an effort to reduce the likelihood of close calls on runways, the FAA recently allocated $44.9 million in funding to Logan Airport. This funding will support various improvements, including simplified taxiways and enhanced lighting systems, aimed at enhancing safety measures.

Prior Incidents at Logan Airport:
This incident follows a series of other close calls at Logan Airport in recent times. In August, a subcontractor for JetBlue tragically lost his life while using a forklift at the airport. The community has rallied together through a GoFundMe campaign to support the family of Raul Santiago.

In mid-August, the FAA initiated an investigation after a near-collision between two planes. This event marked at least the fourth close call at Logan Airport in the current year. The incidents underscore the importance of stringent safety protocols and continuous efforts to enhance aviation safety.

The FAA’s investigation into the Logan Airport incident underscores the agency’s commitment to aviation safety. While this incident was ultimately managed without harm, it serves as a poignant reminder of the vigilance required to ensure the safety of air travel. Logan Airport’s recent funding allocation for safety improvements reflects the ongoing dedication to reducing the risk of runway-related incidents in the future.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, msn.com, FAA, masslive.com
