FBI Warns of Fake Airport Websites, Wi-Fi Networks


The FBI is warning travelers to be wary of potentially fake website domains spoofing U.S. airport websites that could result in identity theft and financial loss.

In many cases, cyber-criminals create the bogus websites using an organization’s same logo, font and color scheme and only need to make a slight character change or two within the domain to trick unsuspecting users.

“They do this to steal personal and business data, and U.S. airports are an attractive target for cyber actors because there is a rich environment of business and personal information,” Cyber Supervisory Special Agent Conal Whetten told reporters last week, according to KTSM.

Travelers should also be aware of these threats when signing onto airport Wi-Fi networks.

“Cyber actors can capitalize on this sector by creating spoof domains and Wi-Fi networks, which can trick both passengers and airport operators into interacting with malicious websites or emails,” Whetten added.

According to Whetten, more than 96 percent of companies are targeted by domain spoofing attacks.

The FBI encourages travelers to always be vigilant while online. Tips include never opening an attachment or clicking a link sent from an unknown sender; verifying domains in your browser; using multi-factor authentication when possible; updating anti-malware and anti-virus software; conducting regular network scans and removing unnecessary software protocols and portals.
