Finnair commits to Science-Based Targets initiative


Finnair has signed a letter of intent for a commitment to co-operate with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to bring its CO2 emissions reduction targets in line with the UN Paris Climate Agreement.

The airline will set the target within the next two years. The UN Paris Climate Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels to combat the effects of climate change.

Eveliina Huurre, SVP Sustainability at Finnair, said: “The climate challenges of flying need to be solved, so that the social and economic benefits of aviation can continue. Finnair has ambitious emissions reduction targets: by the end of 2025, we intend to halve the level of net emissions from 2019 and achieve carbon neutrality latest by the end of 2045. Commitment to the CO2 reduction path SBTi has developed for aviation aligns our targets with the Paris Climate Agreement.”

Finnair uses an extensive toolkit to achieve emission reductions. The key tools reducing emissions include reducing the weight of aircraft, developing fuel-efficient flight methods, using sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and offsets, and engaging customers in reducing aviation emissions. Finnair is also actively exploring the possibilities of introducing new technologies into its operations.
