Finnair signs Letter of Interest on electric aircraft


Finnair has moved a step closer to adding electric aircraft to its fleet by signing a Letter of Interest with Heart Aerospace for ES-19 aircraft.

Finnair is considering acquiring 20 ES-19 aircraft developed by the Swedish start-up Heart Aerospace. The aircraft will be available for commercial service in 2026, and if the final agreement is put forward, Finnair will use the airplanes for short-haul routes.

Finnair’s Vice President of Sustainability, Anne Larilahti, said: “Finnair believes electric aviation will be one of the tools for the future of flying. It will help to promote responsible and sustainable aviation, especially on short routes, in an era where climate change will increasingly dominate the agenda.

“We want to be actively involved in developing and implementing new technologies which enable carbon-neutral flying.

“Finnair’s climate goals are among the most ambitious in the airline industry, and we believe that our electric aircraft can play an important role in creating zero-emissions regional travel, Heart Aerospace CEO, Anders Forslund, commented.

The impetus for the new agreement was Finnair’s continued work on net CO2 emissions reduction. By the end of 2045, the airline aims to achieve carbon neutrality.
