Flight Attendant Union President Addresses Key Aviation Industry Issues


Association of Flight Attendants president Sara Nelson recently spoke out about myriad topics regarding the aviation industry and the key issues facing crew members.

During an interview with the Associated Press, Nelson talked about employees deserving better pay and benefits as airlines make record profits, the possibility of strikes in the future, how attendants view the possible return of the Boeing 737 MAX and more.

Airlines in the United States have made a successful comeback over the last 10 years following several key bankruptcies, but Nelson claims that despite carriers making billions of dollars in profit, labor investment has not rebounded.
As a result of the disparity in pay and benefits, Nelson claims there is a “growing sentiment” among airline employees that they are being pushed too far and there is a chance wildcat strikes could take place.

“I should be very clear that that’s not what I’m advocating for in any way, but that is the growing sentiment,” Nelson told The AP. “I think it’s something that needs to be taken very seriously by everyone who is in a leadership position in this industry.”

Another hot topic in the aviation industry has been the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX and its eventual return to service. When asked about how comfortable attendants are getting back on the planes, Nelson admitted the employees were “skeptical.”

“Flight attendants need to see that pilots and engineers and worldwide regulators and our airlines are all on board with (Boeing’s fix for the plane) and the plan to return it to service,” Nelson continued. “We need to be able to explain to the traveling public what that fix is and that we feel confident in getting back on the plane.”

The union president went on to say flight attendants and airline management are reaching a breaking point when it comes to the stall tactics being used to put off increasing labor costs, which Nelson claims is also hurting morale.

In addition, Nelson said that a decline in the number of attendants added to each flight has resulted in a larger workload for employees. Coupled with the cramped conditions inside the plane, and crew members are forced to deal with “greater conflict.”
