Flight attendants at Piedmont are furious after the American Eagle airline announced a pay rise for pilots


Flight attendants at an American Airline regional carrier are furious after the airline announced a bumper pay rise for pilots with some expected rake in as much as $180,000 in bonuses alone. Meanwhile, some flight attendants at Piedmont Airlines say they are barely surviving on wages that fall way short of colleagues wearing the same uniform at mainline AA.

Piedmont, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Airlines and which operates flights under the American Eagle brand, said it had struck a landmark deal with the ALPA pilots union that will see all serving Captain’s take home a ‘retention bonus’ worth $30,000 in November.

Meanwhile, First officer’s could take home $30,000 once they successfully get promoted to the rank of Captain. Pilots who progress from Piedmont onto American’s mainline business are also set to make $70,000.

A further $50,000 is up for grabs for pilots who meet working hours targets over the course of the next two years, along with increased pay rates to improve Piedmont’s “competitive position”.

“Our ability to out-perform all other American Airlines regionals, take on flying when necessary and deliver a safe product to our customers is what led to this significant investment,” commented Piedmont’s vice president of flight operations Steve Keefer in an internal memo on Wednesday.

“Any pilot who flies for Piedmont now, or chooses Piedmont in the future, will have a solid future with our company and eventually an opportunity with American Airlines if they wish to flow,” the memo continued.

Flight attendants at the carrier, however, are said to be less than impressed with the massive investment in Piedmont’s pilot workforce while talks on a new flight attendant contract are stalled.

Some flight attendants claim their wages haven’t kept up with rising living costs and Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) says some flight attendants are struggling to even get to work because taveling costs are too prohibitive.

Unlike mainline flight attendants, Piedmont’s flight attendants didn’t even have any pandemic-related pay protections until earlier this year when the union went public about the situation.

“While other airlines negotiated paid or non-punitive pandemic leave, Piedmont management penalized Flight Attendants,” the Association of Flight Attendants complained in April. “Management forced us to use our own sick leave when we tested positive for COVID, likely at work, or when required to quarantine due to a known COVID exposure.” www.paddleyourownkanoo.com
