Flight attendants report unprecedented bad behavior aboard airlines


Instances of unruly behavior have spiked during the coronavirus pandemic. The FAA on Tuesday said it received about 3,271 reports of unruly behavior by airplane passengers since the beginning of the year.

About 75 percent of those stemmed from passengers defying mask mandates. The FAA has proposed more than $682,000 in fines against passengers so far this year.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) says about 75 percent of unruly-passenger reports since the beginning of 2021 stem from mask compliance issues, with some escalating into tense arguments and physical violence.

The agency reported Tuesday it had received approximately 3,271 reports of unruly behavior by airplane passengers since Jan 1, which includes about 2,475 reports of passengers refusing to comply with mask mandates meant to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Travelers are still required to wear a face covering on planes, buses and trains and other forms of public transportation, per guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Following an increase in incidents over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, the FAA put a zero tolerance policy in place at the beginning of the year that includes hefty fines.

The agency said it has identified potential violations in 540 cases and initiated enforcement action in 83 cases. The FAA has proposed more than $682,000 in fines against passengers so far this year.

In a release Tuesday, the FAA detailed nine incidents in which passengers were fined a total of $119,000.

One incident included a passenger calling in a fake hijacking and bomb threats, while another included a woman who punched a female passenger who was holding a baby while she was being removed from a flight.

By Joseph Guzman thehill.com
