Global Airlines Ranked by First Class and Premium Seat Numbers


British Airways CEO Sean Doyle recently reaffirmed the airline’s dedication to first class, emphasizing that it will be one of the few carriers to maintain a significant first-class offering.

According to the analysis of the CAPA – Centre for Aviation Fleet Database, British Airways holds the second position globally in terms of the number of first-class seats installed in its fleet, with Emirates Airline leading the pack due to its larger overall size and focus on widebody operations.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the installed seat numbers of the world’s top 50 airlines, ranking them by total seats, premium seats, and first-class seats across their total fleets and widebody fleets. Notably, Emirates has the highest number of first-class seats, while Singapore Airlines boasts a higher proportion of its seats in premium cabins, and SWISS holds a higher proportion of widebody seats in first class.

The report also highlights that first-class cabins account for only 0.3% of the installed seats among the world’s 50 leading full-service carriers, while business class makes up 9.2%. American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines lead in both total installed seat numbers and premium seat numbers, while Emirates Airline closely follows on premium seats.

On widebodies, first-class seats constitute 0.6% of the total, while business class represents 12.2%. Emirates leads in total seat numbers and premium seat numbers on widebodies and holds the highest number of widebody first-class seats. SWISS, on the other hand, has the highest share of widebody seats in premium cabins.

British Airways’ commitment to first class is a significant move as it aims to regain its former premium brand position, despite Emirates Airline holding the top spot in both the absolute number of first-class seats and the share of seats in first class.

SWISS and Korean Air also outperform British Airways in the proportion of their seats in first class. Nonetheless, British Airways’ dedication to first-class service adds credibility to its premium brand positioning efforts.

Sources: AirGuide Business,, CAPA
