FLYR Labs and 3Victors form technology partnership to enhance data-driven decisions


FLYR Labs and 3Victors have formed a global technology partnership to provide airlines with even more ultra-relevant context-rich data sources to inform commercial decision-making.

The collaboration builds on FLYR’s commitment to providing intelligence that creates reliable and actionable demand and revenue forecasts for carriers while enabling automated optimal pricing decisions.

3Victors’ TDaaS (Travel Data analytics as a Service) enhances the machine-learning capabilities of FLYR’s Revenue Operating System with new, relevant data that responds to the dynamic operational aviation environment.

These industry-specific insights enable the most accurate forecasting and pricing outputs to allow airlines to spot and maximise revenue opportunities.

FLYR will use 3Victors’ integrated data to enhance its forecasts for capacity planning simulations and reactivity to competitor schedule changes. Additionally, FLYR’s Cirrus platform will have greater visibility into the success of the automated AI (artificial intelligence) pricing decisions across distribution channels.

The partnership will also further accelerate FLYR’s rapid 12-week deployment of the Cirrus Revenue Operating System for new airlines’ partners.

Chris Zando, CEO at 3Victors, said: “3Victors is not about just ingesting information. We take relevant data sets that understand the world that airlines operate in and use data science to isolate and curate real-time unique insights that unlock opportunities and drive value for airlines.”

Cole Wrightson, Chief Product Officer at FLYR, said: “When we first met the 3Victors team it was clear that there were strong synergies between our companies. Both focus on delivering innovative world-class technology to the travel industry, disrupting the status quo to dramatically improve commercial decision-making for airlines. This is only the start – we are already exploring how else we can enhance our AI through further collaboration with 3Victors.”

FLYR and 3Victors both share JetBlue Technology Ventures as an investor, which is where the relationship between the organisations began.

The firm’s president Amy Burr said: “At JetBlue Technology Ventures, we serve as a strategic advisor to help our portfolio companies form relationships in the travel industry. It’s great to see 3Victors and FLYR form a partnership because of that activity.”

Experienced in integrating huge amounts of market data at pace, 3Victors’ data is already incorporated into Cirrus and will be available to all FLYR customers.
