Frontier Airlines Passenger Causes Flight To Be Diverted


Frontier Airlines Airbus A320 landing.

Another day, another incident, another flight diverted.

A male passenger was restrained with zip ties and, of all things, Saran Wrap after causing such a disturbance that a Frontier Airlines plane needed to be diverted.

The flight from New York to Orlando was forced to land in Raleigh-Durham, N.C., after Michael Aaron Ganter threatened crew members. He was charged with a federal crime for interfering with a flight.

The incident happened on February 9; the Department of Justice announced the details this week, according to Fox News.

“Passengers who threaten violence in the close confines of a commercial aircraft put everyone in danger,” U.S. Attorney Michael Easley said. “My office will continue to aggressively prosecute federal crimes in the skies and ensure the safety of the flying public. Safe air travel is essential to our economy and keeping families connected. No passenger, flight crew, or flight attendant should have to fly in fear.”

The incident adds to the growing list of onboard disturbances over the last 18 months or so, which has prompted the airline industry to ask the federal government to impose a national no-fly list for the most egregious passengers.

After the Frontier flight landed in North Carolina, it continued on to Orlando after a two-hour delay.

Ganter was taken to a local hospital to be evaluated.
