Gazprom Neft launches green refuelling with Ural Airlines


Gazpromneft-Aero, the aviation fuel operator of Gazprom Neft, has carried out the first refuelling of an international Ural Airlines cargo flight with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as part of an ongoing co-operation programme with the Russian air carrier.

The share of SAF* in the fuel blend exceeded 35 per cent, which reduced the flight’s CO2 emissions by a third. Gazpromneft-Aero refuelled a Ural Airlines A321** cargo aircraft flying from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport which was transporting medical supplies and COVID-19 tests and the company plans to continue using sustainable aviation fuel for commercial flights at European airports.

The aviation fuel operator last year helped launch the Eurasian SAF Alliance to develop, certify and produce green fuel in Russia. Alliance members include Airbus, Aeroflot, Ural Airlines, S7 Group and Volga-Dnepr as well as Russian civil aviation research institutes.

Vladimir Yegorov, CEO of Gazpromneft-Aero, said: “We have become the first Russian fuel operator to provide our client with SAF for flights abroad in response to customer demand. The use of fuels made from renewable wastes and residues is one of the most effective ways to decarbonise air travel. According to IATA forecasts, the share of SAF in global aviation fuel consumption will increase four times in the next three years. That is driven by on the one hand new environmental requirements and on the other hand by the desire of air carriers to reach carbon neutrality.”

Sergey Skuratov, General Director of Ural Airlines, said: “We attach great importance to ESG strategy and reducing CO2 emissions. Ural Airlines makes a significant contribution to reducing its carbon footprint annually by purchasing new modern Airbus aircraft with reduced emissions and the ability to be refuelled with SAF.

“The use of environmentally friendlier fuel is another step towards achieving this goal. Today, green refuelling is possible only at a limited number of airports abroad, where the airline performs flights. We are glad to expand our cooperation with Gazpromneft-Aero in this area as well. With the start of SAF production in Russia we will be able to talk about clear plans for the volume of green fuel consumption.”

*SAF (sustainable aviation fuel) is a low-carbon aviation fuel based on esters and fatty acids, which can reduce aviation greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% (calculated with established life cycle assessment methodologies, such as the CORSIA methodology). Gazpromneft-Aero refuels aircraft in Amsterdam with certified JET-A1 fuel with a certified share of SAF in partnership with Neste, the world’s leading producer of sustainable aviation fuel.

**All Airbus aircraft today are certified to fly with a 50% SAF blend. The company plans to increase this figure to 100% by the end of the decade.
