Global Hotel Groups Form Sustainability Initiative


Multiple international hotel companies have joined together to announce an initiative to set a common definition of hotel sustainability “to drive responsible travel and tourism,” according to a statement from Radisson Hotel Group, which is part of the founding group.

Dubbed the Basic Sustainability framework, the initiative aims to “deliver a common starting point for hotel sustainability accessible to all hotel actors worldwide.” The framework is in its development phase and in the coming months the companies will work with the World Travel & Tourism Council, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and other key travel industry stakeholders to finalize sustainability actions “with demonstrable positive impact” and share tools and best practices “to ensure all hotels start on a pathway toward the targets of the COP 21 Paris Accord.” Plans are to launch in March 2022.

The framework works as a complement to the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality, announced Nov. 3, which aims to enable every hotel “to improve their impact, whatever their starting point on their sustainability journey.” It will encompass four stages and tools to guide the industry toward a “regenerative impact on our planet.” It, too, aims to announce further details in March 2022.

Additional participating hotel companies in the Basic Sustainability framework include Accor; Barceló Hotel Group; Huazhu and its affiliate Deutsche Hospitality; Indian Hotels Company Ltd.; Louvre Hotels and Jin Jiang Hotels, owned by Radisson parent Jin Jiang International; Meliá Hotels International; and Minor Hotels, including its NH Hotel Group.

Donna M. Airoldi
