Gogo announces SmartShield membership programme


Gogo Business Aviation has introduced SmartShield, a new premium membership program that lets current customers with an AVANCE or a classic ATG system take advantage of exclusive protections and benefits for their Gogo in-flight connectivity system.

“The value of SmartShield is significant and demonstrates our commitment to customers,” Dave Glenn SVP, Customer Operations commented. “Our customers told us they wanted to protect their inflight connectivity investment and with SmartShield they receive warranty protection for their equipment for as long as they are in the program. They also wanted protection against overage costs and have the ability to rollover unused megabytes of data to the following month.”

For US$5,000 per year plus a three-year service commitment, SmartShield provides three distinct and comprehensive benefits: control, protection and savings.

Control: Fixed service pricing; Monthly rollover of unused megabytes of data; Annual overage forgiveness.
Protection: Full perpetual warranty; Expedited shipping.
Savings: 50% discount on services from field service engineers; Free annual online training; Gogo Vision 360 discount.

For Gogo customers who are not currently using an AVANCE system, SmartShield offers an upgrade path to AVANCE with a $10,000 installation rebate and a $15,000 service credit toward a Gogo Biz 4G data plan. The $15,000 credit can be combined with existing promotions.
