Gogo completes 5G Network testbed construction


Gogo Business Aviation has completed construction of its seven-tower 5G testbed

Gogo Business Aviation has completed construction of its seven-tower 5G testbed on schedule, and on budget.

“These seven sites will serve as a testbed for our 150-tower nationwide network,” said Mike Rupert, Vice President of Network Operations for Gogo Business Aviation. “The testbed includes sites in both remote and populated locations in order to validate the network is operating as designed in all types of environments.”

Additional sites will be completed at a rapid pace throughout the first half of 2022 and Gogo remains on track to launch 5G in the second half of 2022.

Gogo 5G is expected to deliver ~25 Mbps on average with peak speeds in the 75-80 Mbps range and has been designed to deliver high throughput with very low latency to address the increasing demand for data-heavy interactive services like video conferencing.

“I’m proud of our team for completing this major milestone,” said Dave Glenn, Senior Vice President of Customer Operations. “We’ll now begin testing and finetuning our network performance, including tower-to-tower handoffs, range, and coverage.”
