Goshawk delivers A320 to Trade Air


Goshawk, the Dublin-based aircraft lessor, is pleased to announce the delivery of one A320 aircraft to Trade Air, the charter and scheduled carrier operating from Zagreb, Croatia. The A320 was successfully delivered on Wednesday 30 March.

The delivery of the first aircraft by Goshawk to Trade Air represents a significant milestone for the business.

Stephen Murphy, Head of Airline Marketing at Goshawk, said: “We are delighted to begin our relationship with Trade Air by delivering our first A320-200 aircraft. This placement demonstrates our continuing confidence in the aviation industry as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and adapts to the rapidly evolving geopolitical situation.”

Marko Cvijin, Managing Director of Trade Air, said: We are glad to have established a business relationship with Goshawk and are looking forward to doing more business in future.”
