Government Shutdown Looms Over Air Travel: What You Need to Know


As the deadline for a potential government shutdown approaches on September 30, 2023, the specter of disruptions to air travel and the broader travel industry looms large. Here’s an overview of what you need to know.

A government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to pass or the president fails to sign appropriations legislation, resulting in the lack of funding for federal government operations and agencies.

The current deadline for passing a funding bill to avert a shutdown is September 30, 2023.

The last government shutdown in 2019 lasted a record-breaking 35 days, impacting around 800,000 federal workers who either worked without pay or were furloughed. The consequences rippled across various government services, from national parks to food inspections.

Air Travel at Risk
The Department of Transportation has sounded a stark warning, describing the consequences of a government shutdown as “disruptive and dangerous” for air travel. It could lead to the suspension of hiring and training of air traffic controllers, exacerbating an existing shortage. Implementation of vital safety regulations and technologies would be delayed, and the morale and performance of essential workers forced to labor without pay could plummet.

The U.S. Travel Association estimates that a government shutdown could cost the travel industry up to a staggering $140 million per day, affecting both revenue and consumer confidence. A survey by the association and Ipsos revealed that 60% of Americans would cancel or avoid air travel if a shutdown occurs.

In response to the looming threat, the U.S. Travel Association has urged Congress to swiftly pass a funding bill and avert a shutdown that could have dire consequences for air travel and the broader economy.

As the deadline approaches, travelers and industry stakeholders alike are closely watching developments in the nation’s capital, hoping for a resolution that will keep air travel operating smoothly and protect the livelihoods of countless workers in the travel sector. Stay tuned for updates as the situation unfolds.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
