Greenpoint announces deal for two V-VIP Boeing 787-9 interior completions


Greenpoint’s Ascend Interior Design Concept

Business jet completion centre Greenpoint Technologies has signed a contract with an undisclosed client for two V-VIP Boeing 787-9 interior completions.

Safran company Greenpoint, which creates aircraft products and VIP completions with a 99% on-time delivery rate, says its proven widebody and narrowbody interior completion expertise played a vital role in this contract award.

The company has invested substantially in research and development to become the world’s leading Boeing 787 completion centre.

The first aircraft is scheduled to induct next year and each interior will include private first-class suites and distinct V-VIP areas featuring elevated ceilings, customised IFE and communication technologies and low cabin acoustic levels.

Klaus Koester, CEO of Greenpoint Technologies, said: “It is an honour to be awarded these two V-VIP Boeing 787-9 interior completions. The power of trust influenced the client to select Greenpoint. This level of trust culminates from our V-VIP completion expertise, delivery performance and long-standing client relationships. Our clients understand the complexity of these programmes and we value their confidence in our team to deliver aircraft on time with unmatched quality.”

To create interior designs tailored to their lifestyle and aircraft mission requirements, Greenpoint has partnered directly with the client, with scale development already in progress. Greenpoint is managing all aspects of the completions including interior design, engineering, manufacturing, certification and installation.
