Growing hotel capacity in 2021 will lower accommodation rates in Nuremberg – a great opportunity for further incoming demand


The city of Nuremberg is well known as a trade-fair location as well as to offer great attractions for a city-break. The growing hotel capacity in 2021 has significant impact when it comes to accommodation rates.

The bed capacity in 2019 was around 18,000 beds, according to the Tourist Board in Nuremberg. This capacity will change radically in 2021. More than 2,000 new beds can be offered, most of them in a prime location. This represents an increase of around 11%. The trend is likely to continue in 2022 with a bed capacity of 22,000 beds.

There will be a large overcapacity of hotel beds in Nuremberg in the short-term. As a result, this will lead to decreasing accommodation rates, particularly within large and international chain hotels which are attractive for short-stay incoming guestsFor airlines, especially in the low cost segment, this can create a great opportunity. Due to the lower accommodation rates the demand for incoming tourism could be stimulated significantly in 2021 and 2022.

It is expected that there will be no more typical seasonal times in Nuremberg, because the city and the region as a whole have achieved for the destination to be a year-round attraction especially due to frequently visited events and unique trade shows. The famous Christmas market which usually takes place in December could represent an exception. However, the development will also depend on the recovery of the NürnbergMesse (exhibition company). This is especially important, considering the future hotels have been calculated on the basis of ongoing trade fairs and the outstanding development before the pandemic.

Besides domestic travel, Nuremberg lives off tourists from the US, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, Austria and Switzerland. These generated a huge amount of overnight stays and will remain an important target group in the near future. Foreign visitors are also travelling to Nuremberg due to international trade fairs. This personal exchange and the experience of a destination is difficult to be replaced by any digital medium, so the wish to communicate and to network will soon be relevant in Nuremberg again.

Airlines are welcome to make use of this great opportunity. Nuremberg tourism is looking forward to working together with relevant carriers.
