Hawaii Tourism Authority’s New Initiative to Revitalize Maui’s Tourism Industry


The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) is taking decisive action to aid the recovery of Maui’s tourism sector, which has faced significant challenges following a catastrophic wildfire in August. The HTA board has recently approved a comprehensive six-month plan to accelerate the island’s recovery and support its heavily tourism-dependent economy.

This strategic initiative will involve collaboration between the HTA, Governor Josh Green’s office, and the State Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT), along with other state agencies. The plan will encompass both short-term and long-term strategies to bolster Maui’s economic resilience.

HTA Chair Mufi Hannemann emphasized the extensive consultation and planning that has gone into the development of this holistic strategy. The plan aims to be adaptive, ensuring that the programs and innovations introduced are relevant and effective in bolstering Maui’s tourism industry. The focus is not only on immediate recovery but also on sustaining interest among travelers for 2024 and beyond.

Key components of HTA’s strategy include increasing Maui’s visibility in high-market areas across North America and enhancing the GoHawaii.com website to support local businesses. Additionally, the plan involves spreading the message that many Maui residents are eager to return to full-time work, aiming to rejuvenate the local workforce and economy.

HTA Board Vice Chair Mahina Paishon underlined the importance of being attuned to the community’s concerns and sentiments. A primary goal of the HTA’s efforts is to ensure that the recovery strategies are supportive of local residents and address any concerns regarding tourism’s role in Maui’s revitalization.

This focused plan by the HTA represents a significant step towards the recovery of Maui’s tourism industry, aiming to provide immediate relief and lay the groundwork for a sustainable and prosperous future for one of Hawaii’s most beloved islands.
