Hawaiian Airlines Updates to a Stricter Mask Policy


Hawaiian Airlines announced August 17 that it changed its “Keeping You Safe” program’s mask mandate requirements.

Everyone two years of age and older are now required to wear masks for the full duration of any Hawaiian Airlines flight. Masks with valves and sheer masks are now banned from all flights.

“We are adjusting and reinforcing our layered safety protocols to ensure we’re providing the highest level of comfort and protection for our employees and guests,” said Jeff Helfrick, vice president of airport operations at Hawaiian Airlines. “We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation in keeping Hawai‘i a safe destination.”

The airline has also implemented a new screening procedure for those with disabilities or conditions which make it difficult or impossible to wear a mask. However, these people should arrive at the airport an hour earlier than usual, because they also have to undergo an assessment at the airport before their flight to be cleared to board.

Hawaiian Airlines’ face mask requirement has been in place since May 8 of this year but previously allowed guests to wear the types of masks that are now banned after the CDC warned that they do not offer enough protection.

The airline has also been operating at 70% capacity since March to allow for onboard social distancing and plans to continue doing so through September.

For more information about Hawaiian Airlines or to book a flight, please visit HawaiianAirlines.com.
