Hertz Survey Reveals Return of Great American Road Trip


Car rental company Hertz announced the findings of a recent survey that suggests how and when Americans plan to hit the road for their next vacation.

The Hertz study of more than 1,500 Americans found that more than 80 percent said they plan to take a road trip this summer and 86 percent agreed they are more likely or as likely to hit the road compared to previous years.

Another 65 percent of respondents said a rental car was the mode of transportation that made them feel the safest, while 45 percent noted they would be flying somewhere first to start their road trip. Nearly 29 percent of travelers said they prefer rental cars over personal vehicles to avoid putting extra miles on their car.

“Our data shows summer road trips are shaping up to be more popular than ever before in 2021 and just in time for National Road Trip day, which kicks off the summer road trip season,” Hertz Senior Vice President Laura Smith said.

“People are ready to get out and make new memories, and we’re here to help them travel confidently with a safe, fast and easy rental experience,” Smith continued.

While local COVID-19 restrictions remain a factor when preparing for a vacation, 52 percent of respondents plan to resume travel as early as June. Domestic travel will be key, as 74 percent said they would stay in the U.S., including 42 planning to visit the South, 32 percent visiting the West and 24 percent visiting the Northeast.

Family is also a key to summer travel in 2021, as the study found 71 percent of Americans said road trips would not be complete without their spouse or significant other as their ideal companion.

Nearly half of survey participants also noted their summer road trip plans would take them to visit family, with an additional 35 percent saying they cannot wait to reconnect with friends when they’re ready to travel again.
