Honeywell and SmartSky target business aviation operators

Honeywell has been appointed an authorised value-added reseller for SmartSky Networks’ air-to-ground services for North American business aviation operators.

The two companies have worked together since 2019, when Honeywell was named a value-added reseller by SmartSky for the commercial aviation market.

“Honeywell Aerospace has been a trusted commercial aviation partner to SmartSky,” said SmartSky CEO David Helfgott. “Expanding our relationship to include business aviation marks yet another important milestone and expands our ability to address this underserved market. Honeywell’s proven track record in providing innovative connectivity and flight services aligns well with SmartSky’s vision to enable and empower the emerging connected aircraft ecosystem.”

SmartSky’s air-to-ground network leverages 5G technologies to provide a reliable, more secure and affordable in-flight connectivity (IFC) solution for airlines and business aviation operators that want full-functioning IFC.

“This agreement with SmartSky expands the suite of connectivity services we offer business aviation customers operating routes throughout North America and will work seamlessly with the Honeywell Forge software and services platform,” said John Peterson, Vice President and General Manager, Software and Services, Honeywell Aerospace. “SmartSky’s Skytelligence platform, digital services and shipset products represent the latest in connectivity advancement, providing our customers best-in-class value for their networked aircraft needs.”

The Honeywell GoDirect Router will be authorised for use on the SmartSky Network for those business aviation customers choosing to partake of the full complement of Honeywell services and support.
