Hotel Occupancy Rates in Cancun, Isla Mujeres on the Rise


The ease on health and travel restrictions in the northern region of Quintana Roo has resulted in a recent increase in capacity and occupancy at hotels in the area.

According to The Riviera Maya Times, hotel occupancy in Isla Mujeres has gone from 30 percent to 40 percent, making the destination the first in the Mexican Caribbean to reach these percentages since the start of the coronavirus outbreak.

A report from the Hotel Association of Cancun, Puerto Morelos, and Isla Mujeres (AHCOPM & IM) showed Isla Mujeres had an occupancy of 32.2 percent before skyrocketing to 40.8 percent one day later.

In Cancun, the AHCOPM & IM revealed the city had an occupancy rate of 30.3 percent on September 13 and 34.1 percent the following day. Part of the credit for the rise in hotel occupancy goes to the reopening of beaches in the region.

As for Puerto Morelos, the occupancy rates climbed from 25.9 percent to 28.9 percent.

Last month, the Tourism Promotion Council of Quintana Roo (CPTQ) said it expects occupancy to double and reach 60 percent by the end of the year, helping restore tourism jobs in the region.

Flights to the region are also on the rise, as the Comite de Aerolineas de Cancun revealed that Cancun International Airport would once again welcome several flights from Europe and the United States in October and November.
