Unveils Bizarre Guest Finds and Requests

Share has unveiled some of the most bizarre items left behind and peculiar requests made by guests in its latest Hotel Room Innsights Report. From unusual lost-and-found discoveries to eccentric demands, the report highlights just how unpredictable stays at hotels can be.

Among the most surprising findings, more than 10% of hotels reported discovering dentures left behind by previous guests. Other high-value items include a $6 million watch and a luxurious Birkin bag. Pets also made an appearance on the list, with hotels finding and returning a chick and a pet lizard. In an even stranger twist, a guest once left behind a car tire.

The report also sheds light on some of the most outlandish requests made by guests. These include asking for bathtubs filled with Evian water and caviar hotdogs, showcasing a flair for the extravagant. Additionally, guests have requested four pounds of bananas, a 400-year-old Japanese garden, and even a guitar-playing concierge.

Melanie Fish, Vice President of Global Public Relations at, commented, “At, we pride ourselves on knowing hotels inside and out—it’s in our name. By exploring the most memorable stays and unique requests, we’ve gained insights that have even inspired new guest services.”

These unusual guest behaviors and requests reflect not only the creativity of travelers but also the adaptability of hotels worldwide. Over 400 hotels contributed to this fascinating report, revealing the diverse and sometimes eccentric nature of hospitality.
