How to Avoid the Perils of Booking a Night Flight After a Cruise


I learned the hard way that booking a night flight after a cruise is a bad idea. When I booked my first cruise, I thought I was being smart by choosing a cheaper flight that departed at 10 pm. But I didn’t realize that the cruise ship would disembark in the morning, leaving me with 14 hours to kill before my flight.

I had to vacate my cabin by 8 am and drag my luggage off the ship. There were no porters or taxis available, so I had to walk several blocks to the nearest bus stop. I took the bus to the airport, hoping to find a place to store my bags and maybe explore the city. But the airport was crowded and chaotic, and there was no luggage storage facility.

I ended up spending the whole day at the airport, sitting on uncomfortable chairs, eating overpriced food, and watching the same news on TV. I was bored, tired, and frustrated. I wished I had booked an afternoon flight instead, so I could have enjoyed a leisurely breakfast on the ship, taken a shuttle to the airport, and arrived home in time for dinner.

Next time, I’ll follow these tips for a smooth cruise disembarkation:

  • Book your return flights for noon or later on disembarkation day. This will give you enough time to get off the ship, clear customs, and get to the airport without rushing or stressing.
  • Use the self-checkout option if you can carry your own luggage off the ship. This will allow you to disembark earlier and avoid the crowds and delays.
  • Have all your required documentation on hand, such as your passport, boarding pass, and cruise keycard. You will need them to exit the ship and enter the airport.
  • Avoid the buffet for breakfast on disembarkation day. It will be crowded and chaotic, and you might not have enough time to eat. Opt for room service or a quick bite at a cafe instead.
  • Opt for private transportation from the cruise terminal to the airport. It might cost more, but it will save you time and hassle. You can book a taxi, shuttle, or car service in advance or through the cruise line.
  • Schedule your departing flight at a reasonable time. Don’t book a flight that is too early or too late. Aim for a midday or early evening departure that will allow you to enjoy your last day of vacation without stress.

See our other travel tips:

Sources: AirGuide Business,,,,,
