How to deal with annoying people at the airport?


If you encounter bad airport behavior, there’s no need to stress. Even experienced travelers can experience breakdowns due to a few poorly behaved individuals who disrupt the system for everyone.

Rather than simply shaming them, we asked etiquette experts for advice on how to handle these situations calmly and coolly. Here are seven annoying airport archetypes and tips on how to deal with them:

The First Timer
You may encounter them in the line, struggling to remove their shoes and laptop, or forgetting to take their phone out of their pocket. Instead of getting frustrated, offer gentle assistance or take a few deep breaths to remain calm. If you’re in a hurry, politely request to skip the line and apologize for the inconvenience.

The Traveler Who Rushes to Board the Plane
Ignore them and remind yourself that everyone will eventually get on the plane. Rushing won’t make a difference, and most likely, you have an assigned seat. Patience and good humor are essential tools to cope with unpleasant air travel experiences.

The Person Crowding the Luggage Carousel
Stay calm and wait; you’ll get your luggage eventually. If you’re in a hurry, kindly ask them to step aside. Try to be a helper to those who may need assistance due to nerves, age, or disability.

The One Watching a Movie Without Headphones
Move to another location if possible, or politely ask them to turn down the volume if you’re in a crowded area. Always ask kindly, using the Golden Rule as a guide.

The Traveler Who Needs Help With Their Overweight Bag
If you can, offer help, but don’t put yourself in harm’s way. If a situation feels unsafe, ask a flight attendant for assistance.

The One Who Brought a Tuna Fish Sandwich From Home
Control what you can by moving to another location if the odor bothers you. If you have an allergy, politely explain the situation and ask if they can put the sandwich away until you leave.

The Barefoot Person in the Bathroom
Walk away and remember that it’s not your problem. Bare feet or socks equal bacteria and are generally cringe-worthy.

Do your best to deal with them. Remember that the airport can be a stressful place, and everyone is just trying to get to their destination, so stay calm. If you see someone struggling with the airport process, offer to assist them in a gentle way. If someone is rushing to board the plane, try to ignore it and focus on your own journey. If someone needs help with an overweight bag but it could put you in harm’s way, seek the assistance of a flight attendant. If someone’s behavior is bothering you, control what you can by moving to a different location or politely asking them to change their behavior.
