HQ, Bolt Business Partner in Europe


Corporate mobility platform HQ and the corporate division of ride-hailing app Bolt have partnered with the aim of offering ride-hailing services to large corporate clients across Europe, the companies announced Wednesday. Customers now can manage Bolt Business rides and reservations alongside other HQ existing suppliers from a centralized platform.

HQ client employees “travel significantly between the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom,” HQ managing director Jeff LaFave said in a statement. “Our partnership with Bolt strengthens HQ’s presence in Europe.”

Bolt Business during the past year has “registered a five-fold increase of our business and [we] are looking to continue this growth pace moving forward,” Bolt Business VP Nicholas Powell said in a statement. “Establishing partnerships with players such as HQ represents a core ingredient of that growth.”

Donna M. Airoldi www.businesstravelnews.com
