HX and National Audubon Society Launch Bird-Watching Expeditions Across the Globe


HX, previously known as Hurtigruten Expeditions, has joined forces with the National Audubon Society to introduce a series of exclusive bird-focused voyages. This collaboration brings together HX’s commitment to science and education with Audubon’s expertise in bird conservation, offering travelers an immersive experience in bird-watching across various global destinations.

The partnership has meticulously designed five unique itineraries that span over 30 countries, each carefully chosen to highlight diverse avian habitats. These trips are enriched with the presence of trained ornithologists or local naturalist guides, providing guests with the opportunity to spot both rare and native bird species in their natural environments.

Audubon members benefit from a special 10% discount on these Audubon Voyages, and an additional 5% off on other HX cruises. The inaugural trips are set to launch this fall, featuring exciting destinations such as Antarctica, the Galápagos Islands, and Alaska. Future itineraries for 2025 will be announced, further expanding the offerings of this unique partnership.

HX will also introduce a series of special sailings led by top ornithologists handpicked by the Audubon Society. According to Chad Wilsey, Chief Scientist for the National Audubon Society, this partnership is a strategic alignment with HX’s eco-friendly practices and dedication to conservation. “Through our partnership, we hope to engage more people in the urgent fight to protect birds and the places they need,” Wilsey stated, highlighting the dual focus on environmental stewardship and educational enrichment.

This collaborative effort not only aims to offer enriching travel experiences but also to inspire greater awareness and action towards bird conservation globally.
