I Sold My House to Work Remotely on a Cruise Ship for 3 Years


Travel has always been my passion. From studying overseas in college to backpacking solo across Europe, I’ve seized every opportunity to explore the world. But as life went on, responsibilities and obligations took over. However, a few years ago, I decided to break free from the routine and become a digital nomad. My friend Sara and I founded a digital marketing agency called Clever Lucy. While the business was thriving, my dream of being a nomad took a backseat.

Then, in March, while discussing travel fantasies with a friend, I stumbled upon an advertisement that could turn my dream into reality—an around-the-world cruise offered by Life at Sea. The idea struck me like lightning. I decided to take a chance and explore this incredible opportunity.

Naturally, it seemed crazy at first. I consulted friends, family, my business partner, and clients. Surprisingly, no one discouraged me. The cost, roughly equivalent to my monthly expenses at home, made financial sense. The cruise covered everything from accommodation to food and even medical insurance.

With early bird pricing, I secured my spot for $38,000, which, in my case as a solo traveler, became $76,000 minus a 15% discount. I did the math and realized that between mortgage, car insurance, utilities, and more, the cost of the cruise was comparable. Plus, I wouldn’t have to worry about food or medical expenses. It just made sense.

Embracing a New Lifestyle
My love for travel combined with the nature of my work made this decision a no-brainer. With clients scattered across the country, I could seamlessly integrate work into my global adventures. This shift also allowed me to break free from the traditional 9-5 corporate grind and embrace a more flexible work-life balance.

Preparing for this journey was no small feat. My friends helped me pack up my 12-year-old house. I obtained a digital mailbox to handle my mail electronically. I sorted out visas and vaccines and even said goodbye to my cat, finding a loving home for her. I sold my house and moved into an apartment, ready for this new chapter.

The cruise sets sail from Istanbul in November, and I’m eagerly anticipating destinations like Morocco, the Galapagos, and various Asian locales. Life at Sea also offered passengers the option to extend beyond the initial three years, and surprisingly, I can envision myself continuing this incredible journey, although a break to reconnect with loved ones may be in order.

Advice for Fellow Entrepreneurs
For fellow entrepreneurs considering such a leap, having a supportive team is crucial. I would never have embarked on this adventure if my team felt overwhelmed by the responsibility. It’s a collective effort to make it work, and communication and planning are key. We’re finding ways to incorporate my travels into our work, even planning a Clever Lucy team meeting in South America.

As I prepare to embark on this three-year cruise, I’m filled with excitement and gratitude. The opportunity to combine my love for travel with my work is a dream come true. While challenges may arise, the support of my team and clients keeps me motivated. Life at Sea’s around-the-world cruise has turned my fantasy into a reality, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me.

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Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, msn.com, apple.news
