Introducing BermudaAir: The Archipelago’s First Flag Carrier


Embraer E175

BermudaAir has achieved a historic milestone as it gears up to become the very first flag carrier for the archipelago. The airline’s ambition was validated with the recent approval from the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) and the subsequent granting of its coveted Air Operating Certificate (AOC).

The Air Operating Certificate (AOC) is a crucial certification that attests to a commercial airline’s competence in operating its aircraft safely in adherence to Bermuda’s prescribed regulations and standards. Earning this certificate requires meeting stringent criteria across various operational aspects, from safety management to equipment and maintenance, as well as demonstrating previous experience, organizational capability, and staffing proficiency.

Adam Scott, the CEO of BermudAir, expressed gratitude for the recognition of their efforts in establishing a world-class airline in Bermuda through the rigorous AOC assessment process. He sees this achievement as a significant step towards the airline’s full-fledged launch and its ability to cater to the market’s needs. Both the BCAA and BermudAir teams invested considerable time and dedication to reach this point, and their commitment has been acknowledged.

BermudAir plans to commence its operations with two Embraer E175 aircraft, serving routes between Bermuda and the United States (US). The next critical stage in the airline’s development involves securing approval from the US Department of Transportation, which, according to CEO Adam Scott, is expected to be imminent.

With flights anticipated to start in late summer 2023, BermudaAir aims to connect the east coast of the US with Bermuda, marking a pivotal moment in Bermuda’s aviation sector. Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert expressed immense pride in witnessing this momentous occasion for the country and extended congratulations to the BermudAir team for their vision and tenacity. This launch signifies a significant step towards expanding the island’s aviation capabilities and underscores the potential for growth, progress, and self-sufficiency within Bermuda’s borders.
