Jamaica Eyes Record-Breaking Tourism Success in 2023 with Surge in Visitors and Revenue


Jamaica, a jewel of the Caribbean known for its rich culture and stunning landscapes, is on the cusp of a historic year in tourism. Edmund Bartlett, the Minister of Tourism for Jamaica, has shared optimistic projections that indicate the island nation is set to surpass its growth expectations in visitor arrivals and tourism revenue for 2023.

During a recent address to the House of Representatives on December 12, Minister Bartlett provided an encouraging outlook for Jamaica’s tourism sector. He anticipates a total of 4,122,100 visitors between January and December 2023, marking a significant 23.7 percent increase over the visitor count in 2022.

The breakdown of these figures is equally promising, with stopover visitors expected to reach 2,875,549, a 16 percent rise from the previous year. Cruise tourism is also experiencing a remarkable rebound, with a forecast of 1,246,551 cruise passengers, representing a 46.1 percent increase compared to the prior year.

Minister Bartlett highlighted the sector’s robust recovery since the COVID-19 pandemic, noting a consistent pattern of growth with 10 consecutive quarters of significant expansion. This upward trend is expected to continue, signaling an 11th quarter of strong growth.

In terms of tourism earnings, Jamaica is projected to generate a staggering $4.265 billion in 2023. This figure not only indicates a 17.8 percent increase over 2022’s revenue but also surpasses the pre-pandemic earnings of 2019 by 17.2 percent.

With these projections, Jamaica is on track to exceed its targets of four million visitors and foreign exchange earnings of $4.1 billion by the end of the year.

Bartlett also shed light on the estimated breakdown of these earnings, including direct revenues to the government. These comprise contributions from various sources like the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) fees, Departure Tax, Airport Improvement Fee, Airline Passenger Levy, Passenger fees and charges, and the Guest Accommodation Room Tax (GART), totaling approximately $336 million.

This forecast for Jamaica’s tourism sector is a testament to the island’s enduring appeal as a top travel destination and its remarkable recovery and growth post-pandemic. The expected surge in visitors and revenue is set to bolster Jamaica’s economy and further solidify its status as a leading destination in the Caribbean.
