Jazeera Airways offers its aircraft to help the State of Kuwait


Kuwaiti LCC Jazeera Airways is offering its fleet of 14 aircraft at the disposal of the State of Kuwait in order to help deal with the effects of the COVID-19.

Jazeera Airways press release stated, “The airline has always placed its fleet at the service of Kuwait in times of crisis and continues to do so as part of its national duty.” The airline will provide support in returning Kuwaiti nationals to the country and transporting necessary medical equipment.

All commercial flights in and out of Kuwait were suspended on 13 March which has meant that a number of foreigners who live and work in the country can no longer re-enter. On the other hand, tourists and visitors are potentially trapped if they cannot find another way home.

The airline is currently building an auxiliary special medical facility in coordination with health and civil authorities at its terminal at Kuwait International Airport and aims to be ready when passenger traffic resumes at the airport.
