J&C Aero Completes Airbus Project for Arena Aviation Capital


J&C Aero, an international aviation centre for cabin transformation and Continuous Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO), has completed an Airbus A320 reconfiguration project for Arena Aviation Capital.

The project involved in-house cabin modification development, production, certification, and installation. “Aircraft transition between operators is a complex process involving various risks, including those related to aircraft cabin modification,” said Vitalijus Malyška, COO at J&C Aero.

Arena Aviation Capital’s cabin reconfiguration project covered the development of a new Layout of Passenger Accommodations (LOPA) and related minor cabin modifications, as well as the full refurbishment of 180 passenger seats.

In addition, J&C Aero’s in-house EASA Part 145 capabilities enabled the installation of the seats and other related modification elements by the company’s technicians in Vilnius, Lithuania. In the final stage, J&C Aero’s CAMO engineers oversaw the certification process.

“The fewer links in the chain, the smoother goes the process of preparing an aircraft for a new operator. This is particularly important as the summer high season is almost here. With this in mind, J&C Aero’s team did a great job: from the modification planning to the execution, they did everything as expected and on time, ” said Andy Gao, technical asset manager at Arena Aviation Capital.
