JetBlue Defends Political Donation That Prompted Boycott Calls


Saying it donates equally to both major political parties, JetBlue Airways defended its decision to contribute $1,000 to New York Republican Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis – a move that prompted a social media backlash against the airline earlier this week.

Hashtags of #BoycottJetBlue and #JetRed were trending after news of the donation came out. Malliotakis is one of the lawmakers who objected to the November 2020 presidential election results, which later resulted in the Jan. 6 riot at the United States Capitol.

JetBlue was one of more than 130 companies that had suspended donations from its Political Action Committee (PAC) for 90 days around the attacks on the Capitol; the contribution to Malliotakis was its first since then.

Malliotakis is on the House panel that oversees aviation.

According to Bloomberg News Service, JetBlue said in a statement that its PAC gives to Democrats and Republicans alike, and focuses on lawmakers with relevance to the company, such as members from regions the airline serves and lawmakers on key aviation committees.

Once a donation is made, unless the recipient voluntarily gives it back, there is no system in place to rescind the contribution. JetBlue did not respond to a request for comment on whether it will donate to additional lawmakers who didn’t back the election results, according to Bloomberg.

It is the second time in two weeks that an airline has faced social media furor, as #BoycottDelta was trending over the Atlanta-based airline’s perceived backing of the controversial voter restriction bill signed into law in Georgia.
