Joby’s H2FLY Achieves First Piloted Flight of Liquid Hydrogen Electric Aircraft


H2FLY, a subsidiary of Joby Aviation, a pioneering developer of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, has celebrated a significant milestone by completing the world’s first piloted flight of an electric aircraft powered by liquid hydrogen—a zero-emission fuel renowned for its high energy density and low weight.

This groundbreaking flight took place on September 7, 2023, at Maribor Airport in Slovenia, marking the inaugural outing for the HY4 aircraft. The HY4, a four-seat demonstrator, is equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system and was a focal point of a comprehensive test campaign comprising four flights.

The debut piloted flight spanned approximately 10 minutes and showcased the secure and efficient operation of the liquid hydrogen system aboard the HY4. Notably, a prior unmanned flight endured for slightly over three hours, underscoring the aircraft’s potential to stay airborne for up to eight hours with its 24kg hydrogen capacity.

H2FLY emphasizes that using liquid hydrogen instead of gaseous hydrogen can double the range of the HY4, boosting it from 750 km to an impressive 1,500 km. Liquid hydrogen offers this advantage due to its superior energy density, requiring less tank volume and weight.

Professor Josef Kallo, CEO and co-founder of H2FLY, hailed this flight as a momentous achievement in harnessing hydrogen for aviation. He remarked, “Together with our partners, we have demonstrated the viability of liquid hydrogen to support medium and long-range emissions-free flight. We are now looking ahead to scaling up our technology for regional aircraft and other applications, beginning the critical mission of decarbonizing commercial aviation.”

H2FLY collaborates with a consortium of partners, including the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the University of Ulm, Hydrogenics, Pipistrel, H2Fly GmbH, and airport operator DRI, in the development and testing of the HY4 aircraft. Support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Project HEAVEN (Hydrogen Electric Aviation) has further propelled the project. Joby Aviation, the parent company of H2FLY, acquired the subsidiary in 2021, providing vital technical and financial support for its hydrogen-electric aviation endeavors.

H2FLY’s vision extends beyond this milestone, with plans to advance research and development of liquid hydrogen electric aircraft. Their ambitious target includes launching a larger 40-seat aircraft based on the Dornier 328 regional jet by 2025. The company believes that liquid hydrogen electric aircraft offer a multitude of advantages, including reduced emissions, noise levels, and operating costs, coupled with superior performance, reliability, and safety compared to conventional aircraft.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,,
