Kalibri: Weekly U.S. Hotel ADR Within 4 Percent of 2019 Level


The U.S. hotel average daily rate for the week ending June 25 was just 4 percent below the rate for the same period in 2019, according to Kalibri Labs. Occupancy was down 16.7 percent versus 2019, but the metric showed week-over-week improvements in each of the last three weeks of June.

Kalibri’s weekly Industry Health Dashboard also compares monthly U.S. guest paid revenue for different rate types with the same month in 2019. Revenue generated by corporate rates in June was 49.5 percent of the June 2019 level, and Kalibri forecasts it to be at 65.3 percent by September. Revenue via group rates also has begun to recover and was at 36 percent of 2019 levels in June. Kalibri predicts it to be at 50.3 percent by September.

[Report continues below chart.]

2021-07-07 Kalibri

Though the American Hotel & Lodging Association and executives from major hotel companies in recent weeks have cited a hospitality labor shortage, Kalibri’s labor recovery index shows steady improvement week over week. The economy tier is in the best shape with 93 percent of 2019 level staffing as of June 27. The percentage decreases with each upgrade in chain scale. Upscale and luxury in June had 58 percent and 56 percent of 2019 staffing levels, respectively.

After a steady drop in the number of U.S. hotel closings since March 20, 2020, for the weeks from April 16 through May 28, the metric has begun to tick up again each of the last four weeks of the report, increasing from 1,127 hotels closed as of May 28 to 1,365 as of June 25, 2021. That represents a total of 3.3 percent of U.S. hotel rooms closed since March 20, according to Kalibri.

