Isavia has updated its Masterplan for Keflavik Airport


Isavia has updated its Masterplan for Keflavik International Airport, which marks the first update since the original development plan was published. The Masterplan is reviewed and updated every five years to keep in line with changing circumstances and developments.

The updated Masterplan allows for the provision of new areas for services and cargo transport, multi-story carparks, and special areas for storage, distribution, and production of sustainable energy sources for aircraft. The plan is now divided into two phases, with Phase 1 covering the period until 2035 based on the existing runway system, and Phase 2 extending until 2045, assuming the addition of a third runway and related infrastructure.

“The Masterplan has been updated to include a Diamond Gate Area in the north-east quadrant of the airfield. This area will provide new cargo aircraft apron area, cargo facilities, freight forwarding, and administrative facilities. One of the keys to this area is the close proximity to the terminal apron, providing operational efficiency for cargo split between dedicated freighters and passenger aircraft, fully utilising the airports route network” says Brynjar Vatnsdal, Manager of the Department of Airport Planning & Development of Isavia.

See the full article here: Keflavik Airport News

The updated Masterplan can be found here: KEF Masterplan
