Krasnodar International Airport presented a project of the new terminal at the exhibition NAIS-2021


Krasnodar International Airport announces that it has received the National Award “Best Airport: Meeting the Challenges 2020”. The concept of the new terminal was also presented at NAIS-2021.

On February 9, 2020, the awarding ceremony of the participants and prize-winners of the VIII National  Award “Air Gates of Russia” took place within the framework of the business program of the annual National Exhibition of Civil Aviation Infrastructure (NAIS-2021) in Moscow.

Krasnodar International Airport became the award-winner “Best Airport: Meeting Challenges 2020”.

The past year has been the most difficult in the modern history of Krasnodar International Airport. Employees and passengers went through a crisis, cancellation of flights during the  pandemic, and restrictions related to the suspension of international flights are still in effect. But despite this, already in the first summer months of active work, the air harbor approached and even exceeded the pre-Covid indicators, implementing an effective anti-crisis plan. This particular work of Krasnodar airport employees was evaluated by the NAIS-2021 jury.

The award is intended to identify the most efficiently and steadily developing airports in Russia, whose activities are aimed at dynamic and technological development, contributing to the formation of a positive image of civil aviation in the life of society.

As part of the NAIS-2021 exhibition, Krasnodar International Airport presented a design project for the terminal of a new multimodal hub, the largest in the south of Russia. It will combine air, rail, city and road transport.

Last autumn, Krasnodar International Airport presented three possible options for the concept of a new terminal: Digital, “Wheat heads”, and “Oat Seed”. The last project was most popular with users on social networks and in the media. It is planned that the area of ​​the airport will be more than 80,000 sq m. The building will be equipped with 10 passenger boarding bridges and will be able to receive 10 million passengers per year.

The model of the “Oat seed” air terminal project was exhibited within the framework of the NAIS-2021 Forum. Every visitor can get acquainted with it.
