Lack of Funding to Put Hawaii Tourism Authority in Peril


Rainbow Falls Wailuku River State Park, Hilto Hawaii

As Hawaii’s legislative session begins to wrap up, the future of the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) is in peril – as a proposed state budget bill (HB300) does not include funding for the organization, with the exception of $64 million allotted for repairs to the Hawaii Convention Center.

“No funding for HTA – zero – was included in the proposed state budget bill (HB300) that was agreed to in a conference committee meeting concluded late last night between the State Senate and House of Representatives,” HTA said.

HTA said the dearth of funding would mean that it would be unable to continue with its “Destination Management Action Plans, support for community events and festivals statewide, Hawaiian cultural programs, popular sports events and Hawaii’s branding messaging which educates visitors and guides our visitor industry.”

Furthermore, two bills – SB1522 and HB1375 – “would dismantle HTA and fold it within the State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism,” HTA said, adding that “the new bills would create all sorts of challenges as to if and how this new agency will support community programs and provide effective destination management of tourism – all of which HTA is already providing.”
