Latvia Receives Highest Rating from US FAA for Civil Aviation Surveillance


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States of America (USA) has completed the audit of the state agency “Civil Aviation Agency” (CAA), awarding Latvia the 1st category. It gives aircraft operators registered in Latvia the right to conduct commercial flights to US airfields.

For more than half a year, the FAA checked the compliance of Latvian civil aviation regulatory acts with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the quality of supervision implemented by the CAA. Latvia is the only one among the Baltic States that has been audited by the FAA and received the 1st category, which allows to strengthen Latvia’s competitiveness in the field of civil aviation.

Minister of Transport of The Republic of Latvia Janis Vitenbergs:

“I am pleased that the The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America has praised Latvia’s monitoring capabilities, thereby recognizing our carriers as safe at the world level, which will open up unprecedented business opportunities for them. Also, it will allow passengers to reach any destination in the US faster and cheaper.”

The assigned 1st category allows aircraft operators registered in Latvia to carry out passenger flights on behalf of US airlines, as well as to carry out commercial flights to the US, including from airports of other countries, thus developing their business opportunities. Currently, two aircraft operators registered in Latvia are taking steps to start cooperation with US airlines and perform occasional commercial flights to airfields in the US as soon as possible.

CAA director Māris Gorodcovs:

“Although the results of the Federal Aviation Administration audit do not have an immediate effect on Riga Airport’s business opportunities, the assigned 1st category makes Latvia and its carriers strong competitors in the field of civil aviation at the European and as well at global level. At the same time, it opens up the opportunity for new players to enter Latvia in the field of air transport, as Latvia, as a country of registration, opens wide business opportunities in the USA. Aircraft operators registered in Latvia have appreciated the FAA assessment and are already reviewing business opportunities.”
