Lodz Airport: International students in Lodz


The University of Lodz is third in Poland in the number of foreign students.

The University of Lodz is one of the major higher education centres in our city. It offers a wide range of subjects and faculties for local and international students. We are happy to hear that during the last academic year they were third in the country in the number of foreign students attending the classes. There is also a well-known Polish Language Centre at the University for those foreign students who wish to learn speaking Polish.

The last report “Higher Education and Its Finances in 2019” presents data on universities, students and graduates in Poland. It was prepared by GUS – Poland’s Central Statistical Office. The University of Lodz is on the third place in the number of foreign students in the academic year 2019/2020. The most popular fields of study among foreign students were those related to business, administration, and law. As the GUS analysis shows, ever more foreigners are interested in studying at Polish universities.
