Lodz City have been selected to join the EU Mission “100 Climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”


Lodz was among 100 European cities that will receive EU support for environmental protection.

100 cities from European Union member states plus 12 cities from associated countries have been selected to join the EU Mission: 100 Climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 to pursue ambitious goals to slash emissions rapidly and pioneer innovative approaches with citizens and stakeholders.

Lodz was among 100 European cities that will receive EU support for environmental protection. The funds will be spent on improving air quality, environmentally friendly and safe transport, as well as on activities related to nature protection and increasing green spaces in the city.

These cities will be supported by NetZeroCities to bring together all key players within a city, including citizens, academia, and businesses, and implement transformative processes and innovative actions, with the objective of reaching climate neutrality by 2030.

Being selected as one of the 100 climate-neutral and smart cities is an excellent opportunity for us to scale and speed up our climate actions, to become climate neutral by 2030.

– We want to ensure that people live at a more sustainable pace with cleaner air, safe transport, and less connection and noise. – Hanna Zdanowska, president of łódź, said.

These are 71 Eurocities members who have been selected as Mission Cities:
