Łódź (Central Poland) the best Business-Friendly city


10th annual EuropaProperty CEE Investment & Manufacturing Awards

Łódź gained another award for its business-friendly environment and as a great place to make investments. At the end of September, the annual gala of EuropaProperty CEE Investment & Manufacturing Awards was held online. Its main goal was to appreciate top-performing companies in commercial real estate.

Łódź city was recognised as the best city for real estate. Also, two other projects held in Łódź region got awards: Panattoni Amazon Łódź – the Amazon e-commerce logistics centre near Łódź with an area of 44,810 sqm – as the best warehouse project. The second one was Hi Piotrkowska – Master Management Group for its mixed-use office and service complex developed in the very centre of Łódź as the best regional office project.

From EuropaProperty.com:

“Łódź was recognized by Emerging Europe in the Business-Friendly Cities Perception 2020 Ranking as the leader in the Business Climate category. The city was recognized by the ABSL in their ranking of business services locations in terms of assessment of factors affecting the ability of business services centres of doing business there in 2020. In autumn 2019, the city was recognized by the Polish Association of Developers in their annual ranking aiming. Łódź was appreciated for the very short timeline of issuing building permits, planning decisions, as well as efficient and well-functioning administration. In the general classification, Łódź was ranked 2nd, outclassing 17 cities.”
